When you open the first area with 5 you will encounter a larger (adult?) opponent. First split your troops to either side of the pathway to your queen. Assuming you've cleared everywhere else here comes the method for the last area.Around 5 markers in the first one and many more in the second.

When conquering in the top middle there are 2 areas close together.The longer and Winder the better! Also I find the most optimal method for my army is having 2 nests of aproximately 20 or so soldiers. When Conquering try to build a winding path.Next start building your first soldier nests (try to build close to the ant queen with the available food, once you have enough ants start working your way through the red markers in ascending order (Lowest Number to highest number).Initially reveal all the nearby food that you can without digging a tunnel into any of the areas marked with large red exclamation marks.Note: Throughout the first challenge it is extremely unnescessary to build worker nests! However, if you step right in without any prior knowledge it can be tricky. This Challenge is (in my opinion) actually more difficult then the second challenge.